Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2011

Lesson 5: State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices

We are all aware of the speedy turn-over of technology advancement and upgrading technologies now-a-days. In this advancement and upgrading of technology, educators today should become more aware and active in adopting state-of-the-art educational technology practices for them to ride on in the system and development of technology.  There is this certainty that our school’s audiovisual aids may not even apply in this modern day computer hardware and software in today’s technology advancement for the reason that we are fun of investing and not on adopting the development and advancement of the upgraded technology. As it is said “don’t invest in technology hardware or system that may become a white elephant in a few years time. “We need to adopt upgraded technology for greater computer literacy and competency as well.


            If an educator could say technology in teaching takes time and in experience is a kind of educator who never set a new level of learning in acquiring the appropriate use of state-of-the-art in his/her learning process. Although applying and adopting the advancement of technology is expensive and takes more time, we know that it would help us develop, enhance, equipped, improved and acquire our computer skill in assessing our learning as we adopt technology in our modern world.

            Future learners have the advantage over present day learners because educational technology will never settle for less. In the coming years, if the future educators and learners would set their minds in adopting advancement of technology, this would help them to profit the easy type of performing activities both in instruction and education. In these high speed changes of technology, this will produce a mass storage of data, and future educators should be open for more drastic educational changes.

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